Augmented Reality

Immersive Learning

Virtual en Augmented Reality | Learning & Development | UP learning

VR and AR for learning? It doesn’t get any more realistic than that.

It took a while, but Virtual and Augmented Reality have broken through. With the Pokémon game giving them a big boost, Learning Professionals discovered the power of what is also known as ‘Immersive Learning’.

Curious how it works?

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They use Immersive Learning in

AR for learning if:

  • Training in real-life is too expensive or unsafe.
  • You want to give an explanation or feedback immediately.
  • You want to provide an immersive learning experience, for example by adding gamification elements.

Like these examples from Thermo Fisher, Lidl, Zeeman and PLUS Retail.

Real-life examples:

  • For Thermo Fisher, we developed training with AR to detect radioactive radiation. A safe and cost-effective way of learning. Instead of having employees from all over the world come to the training center, one can train in the office or at home with the smartphone.
  • For Lidl, we enriched the onboarding day with an interactive game. New employees go in search of the various AR mini-games in the building, and learn more about their new employer in an active way.
  • For Zeeman and PLUS Retail, we added an AR experience to their Onboarding programs. A stimulating way to get acquainted.
Zeeman | Totara LMS image | Onboarding | UP learning

Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality

The differences


Augmented Reality

The real environment is enriched with digital elements (AR overlay). These can be buttons, films, images or 3D projections. You see it on your smartphone, tablet or through your glasses.


Virtual Reality

Cut off from the outside world, you immerse the trainee in a digital world. Made with photo or film material, computer-generated or a combination.


Mixed Reality

The boundary between reality and the virtual world is blurring. Digital elements projected onto the real world interact with each other and the environment.

"We see a bright future for training via VR. The fact that, with UP's help, we've discovered how to make smart use of the power of VR is already a win for us."

Je bureau, de winkel of fabriek als rijke leeromgeving

Bouw je met VR een virtuele wereld, met Augmented Reality verrijk je de werkelijkheid. Omdat je interactie en beleving toevoegt, verhoog je al snel de impact van de leerervaring.

Stel jezelf wel altijd eerst de vraag of Immersive Learning ‘leerwaarde’ toevoegt aan je Onboarding programma, training of als performance support.

Je bureau, de winkel of fabriek als rijke leeromgeving

Bouw je met VR een virtuele wereld, met Augmented Reality verrijk je de werkelijkheid. Omdat je interactie en beleving toevoegt, verhoog je al snel de impact van de leerervaring.

Stel jezelf wel altijd eerst de vraag of Immersive Learning ‘leerwaarde’ toevoegt aan je Onboarding programma, training of als performance support.

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