The Netflix of online training

No matter which online training library you choose. Integrate it into your Learning Platform.

Learning Library | Netflix voor Leren | Header | UP learning


We work for, learn together and grow with

Your eLearning library directly in your Learning Environment

The ‘Netflixes’ of learning. They come in all shapes and sizes. Large databases with countless generic online courses. Did you know that you can often access these from your own LMS? That’s pretty handy:

  • employees have only 1 entry point
  • you can (usually) combine generic eLearning content with your bespoke eLearning modules and incorporate them into individual learning programmes
  • managers keep track of both the development of soft and hard skills from a single dashboard

Do you have or are you considering a ‘Netflix for learning’ solution? Feel free to ask us for independent advice. We know the way.

Learning Library | Netflix voor Leren | laptop | UP learning

Looking for generic content for e-Learning?

An Excel training course on communication or leadership. The range of generic online training courses on offer is growing by the day, so we can imagine that you might not be able to see the wood for the trees. Learn from our experiences and those of our customers. Feel free to ask.

Learning Library | Netflix voor Leren | Keuze maken | UP learning

Ask us for advice

Bespoke e-Learning or a Learning Platform? Call, mail or fill in the form.