To your learning question

we have an appropriate answer


With a warm welcome, new employees are productive up to 34% faster. How do you make your onboarding programme effective?


Selling the way your organisation wants. That’s why you provide customised training to your sales team. Beat the competition with bespoke eLearning. In this way.


Certification, you want to arrange it efficiently. And have employees convert their knowledge into actual behaviour. How do you do that?

Processes and systems

Processes run smoothly. And systems are used as intended. This is how you make sure your training and simulations stick.

Customer focus

Employees make your organisation stand out. Connect your ‘Trainee Journey’ with the ‘Customer Journey’. How does that work for you?

Safety / HSE

Safe and healthy work. That is why it is better to convert knowledge into behaviour. And that requires attention. Regularly. That’s how you do it.

For your sector too

We speak your language. That is why we quickly understand what your employees need. We bring our experience in developing e-Learning solutions in your sector. As well as our experience in implementing and supporting Learning Platforms. It’s very practical.
Performance Mapping | Jouw Leervraag | Onze aanpak | UP learning


We work for, learn together and grow with

And this is how we do it

Don’t expect lengthy analyzes and lengthy reports from us. We prefer to work practically. This keeps speed and costs under control. We do want to get to know your goals, questions and target group well. For this purpose we developed the practical Performance Mapping method. That is how it works.

Performance Mapping | Jouw Leervraag | Onze aanpak | UP learning

"Training days down from 30 to 6. New employees spend 24 more days in the shop."

The power of bespoke e-Learning?

Or wondering about the benefits a Learning Platform can deliver?
Discover their stories.

Your partner in online learning. This is how we help you.

Dissecting your needs

What goals are you pursuing? What do employees and managers need in order to develop? Kick. Start.


Your wishes and our expertise in the mix. Functional and creative for a User Experience with impact.


Planning = tuning. We work with you as a team and make timely adjustments where necessary.


Then the big moment arrives. How do you make sure your learning solution lands? We are there for you. And for your campaign.


Technical or functional questions? User training? We tailor our service to your needs. Typical UP.

Ask us for advice

Bespoke e-Learning or a Learning Platform? Call, mail or fill in the form.